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Canadian Government Tries to Collect Marijuana Debts

Submitted by smorgan on
It's usually a good idea to make everyone pay up front:

Health Canada is getting tough with patients who use government-certified medical marijuana, demanding full payment in advance before shipping the weed.

The move, effective Nov. 30, is designed to halt the rising number of accounts in arrears -- and force more patients to pay off old debts that now total more than $1.2 million. [CTV Toronto]

I can't help but find the whole thing rather amusing, but the Canadian government is probably really pissed off about all this. They didn’t even want to have a federal medical marijuana program, but the courts forced them to do it. Now they're getting back at everyone by growing some of the worst cannabis in Canada:

The marijuana, which has received poor reviews from many users for being harsh and ineffective, has a THC content of about 12.5 per cent.

Actually, 12.5% isn't all that bad, but everyone says it's super-gross, which it probably is if you compare it to what the rest of the country is enjoying. Regardless, if I were a seriously ill patient in desperate need of medical marijuana, I'd rather be using Health Canada's product than the famously awful schwag that's grown by the U.S. government.

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